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Notifications & Circulars (2025)


Can you use circular needles for everything? ›

Say for instance you want to knit a shawl or a dishcloth. You can use circular or straight pointed needles, you can knit with any of the two. There will be no difference in the knitted fabric but there will be a difference in your comfort. If you want to knit a sweater you can make it on any knitting needle.

Are circular knitting needles good for beginners? ›

Knitting on circular needles is a great way to introduce beginners to the art of knitting. Some people may find them a bit intimidating at first. Especially, when the common image of a knitter is still that of a person using two straight, single-pointed needles.

Do you have to knit in the round with circular needles? ›

Say hello to circular needles! These are great for more than just knitting in the round, they can also be used to knit flat as well. The long cable is well suited to having a large number of stitches on it as they can move freely along the cable.

What is the purpose of circular needles? ›

Circular needles are particularly advantageous when knitting large or heavy projects, as they distribute the weight of the work across the cable. This prevents the stitches from cramming on the needles, resulting in even tension and consistent stitch size.

Can I use straight needles for a circular needle pattern? ›

The short answer is “Yes, absolutely.” Use whichever style of needle is most comfortable for you. A slightly longer version goes like this: Both circular needles and straight needles have their uses.

Can you use circular needles for socks? ›

Made for smaller round circumference projects, circular needles are ideal for seamless knitting. The magic loop technique is a comfortable choice for sock knitting.

What is the most versatile circular knitting needle size? ›

16″ (40cm): These are mostly used to knit the brim portion of hats or the body of baby sweaters that are knit in the round. 24" (60cm): This is probably the most versatile length, especially when it comes to knitting flat or knitting children and smaller women's sweater bodies.

What needles do professional knitters use? ›

Aluminum needles are the most widely used knitting needles and are much stronger than any of the other materials. These needles are perfect for all types of thread. These feather-light knitting needles with their conical tips are particularly suitable for working with fine wool.

Can I knit a blanket with circular needles? ›

Circular needles allow for the distribution of a blanket's weight more evenly, making the knitting process smoother and more comfortable. This guide will explore the benefits and techniques of using circular needles to knit blankets, suitable for all skill levels.

Are circular knitting needles hard to use? ›

Most knitters will find it convenient and easy to work with circular knitting needles. I use circular needles with most of my projects, whether they are knit flat or in the round. Since the needles are connected by a cord, it's impossible to lose one of them behind the couch or at the bottom of a project bag.

Why use straight knitting needles instead of circular? ›

There are many advantages to using single pointed needles: Flat projects tend to be more beginner-friendly as you won't have to tackle the whole garment at once, but rather concentrate on one part at a time and watch it grow piece by piece, stitch by stitch.

What can I use instead of circular needles? ›

If a pattern calls for circular and you're working in the round, you can use double-pointed straights as long as it isn't something like a blanket where you need a cord or longer needles to hold a large number of stitches.

What can you do with circular needles? ›

Circular needles are great tools when it comes to knitting larger projects, or items you need to do in the round. They consist of two needles and are connected by a cord that comes in various lengths.

What are circular sewing needles used for? ›

Repairing upholstery or mattresses – Curved needles are sometimes referred to as upholstery needles because upholsterers use them so often. They are great to use to sew or repair any seam that cannot fit through a sewing machine or be flattened. This would include furniture, lampshades, and rugs.

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Author: Rueben Jacobs

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Name: Rueben Jacobs

Birthday: 1999-03-14

Address: 951 Caterina Walk, Schambergerside, CA 67667-0896

Phone: +6881806848632

Job: Internal Education Planner

Hobby: Candle making, Cabaret, Poi, Gambling, Rock climbing, Wood carving, Computer programming

Introduction: My name is Rueben Jacobs, I am a cooperative, beautiful, kind, comfortable, glamorous, open, magnificent person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.