The Southern Home from Charlotte, North Carolina (2024)

ii i Some THE UBJECT OF; THE LATE MiLITIA Movement. It is now apparent that the object of Gov. Caldwell in ordnri UH8ECTI0HAL, UHPARTISAMrlJIIPOLITICAL 8CH00L-Bbk him upon his bed. The meeting still going on,) his friends, pupils and pastor did -not learn his situation until Wednesday forenoon, when we found him unconscious and unable tojpeak, in which state' he continued, with only a few hours intermission on Thursday, until his spirit left us. Oh! how hard to give up such a man.

In the shortpastorate of ten years, we have buried seven Elders. It was our high privilege first to glv this. brother the hand of fellowship at hi ordination, and very faithful ta us bus he tvf been. 5 Being of the same age, and conversing often toirether on sub The freshest series of Text-Books published containing results of-discovery and scientific research- 'ff OOchUlj adopted by the Virginia and Georgia State Boards of Education 'ilL' uauLTinni It. ay Ji2irsrt bod 8TAp2Sf And in many Notthrn Statoa, An Association composed of many the aereral Southern State, feet- School-Book which should be en unpolitical, which should present science are now issuing a com-Text -books bj the eminent achol-whfcb are the and Most I Now published.

The" Maury's Geographical Series, By Commodore M. F. Mjk.CRT.of the Virginia Military Institute." A series of books which mark an era in the study of this science, and which, in the words of a well known, and accomplished Southern teacher, are characterized by a felicity of. arrangement ''and simple freshness of style which must ever render them attractire to the young, and which will be used by all who wih to teach Geography as a science, as something to make pupils think, and not merely as an enumeration of dry facts. Holmes' Readers and Spellers, By Geokoe F.

Holmes, LL Professor of History and General literature in the University of Virginia. A series of Readers unequalled in cheapness, excellence, and typographical beauty. They are steadily progressive in character, bright and fresh, in their selections of prose and verse, and illustrative of Southern scene, incidents, and hiitorj. a Venables Arithmetical Series, "Ts Bv Chielei S. Vexable, LL.D., Professor of Mathematics in the University of Virginia.

These books are received everywhere by Intelligent teachers with the" highest satisfaction, as being most admirably adapted for mental drill, as weU aj for-business educa- -tion. Their methods, rules, and reasonings are clear, distinct, logical, and -eomnxabensive, and the series is carefully graded throughout. Holmes' History of the United States, Bj George F. Holmes, of the University of Virginia. It is, enough to sar of this admirable work, interesting, impartial, and truthful, as well as pure and graceful ia style, that it is the only History of the-United States which is itridly unpartmm.

It comes down to the present date. Also, De Vere's French Grammar. Readers, Clldersleeve's Latin Series, Carter's Elements of General" History, Holmes' English Grammars. LeConte's Scientific Series, Johnston's English Classics, Duntonian writlng-Dooks, etc. Send for our new ILLUSTRATED DESCRIPTIVE CATALOGUE, which will be mailed free to any teacher or school officer.

It tells what teachers think of the books, and contains specimen pages of each. Address UNIVERSITY PUBLISHING- COMPANY, 155 and 157 Crosby Street, Se.w York. Stats Items. The Coroner's investigation as to the canae of the death of Gaston Atkinson (killed in the riot) was re-opened, at the Court House at Goldsboro, on Monday last and continued all day Tuesday. The testimony, especially that given by a few colored witnesses, was very conflicting.

There is no doubt that four or five of them wilfully perjured themselves; as the testimony of each disagreed alto- gether with that of every other one. The jury consisted of seven whites and seven blacks. About forty or more wit-1 nessea were 'examined and the cato was given to the1 jury on Tuesday evening. Upon the first vote, the Jury stood 13 fo 1. and so they remained until at noon of the following day.

when they returned a verdict that the deceased came to his death from gunshot wounds inflicted by persons unknown. Goldsboro Messenger. The Weldon JX eves says: John Wyatt, the father of Henry Wyatt the first man that was killed in the late war between the North asd South, he, it will be remembered, being killed, while scouting at Little Bethel is now, and has been for. twelve months, an inmate of the poor house of Pitt county. Although he has lost health, property and friends, his spirit ia unbroken, and on Thursday he went to the polls and voted for Convention.

A letter from Council's Bluff Bladen county, dated on the 7th says the Wilmington Journal ot theyth states that Lowry and part of his gang were in that neighborhood dav or two nrevinns. Parties have been ordered out learn) to look after him. This woula seem to confirm, somewhat, the report published Dy us yesterday, that a heavily armed man answering to Lowry's description, au Deen seen to cross tne jape rear river. Let it be Stopped. The sheriff of Mecklenburg brought two prisoners to the penitentiary the other day.

Instead of receiving them at once, he was sent to lim Lee, who confined them in his tail for a few hours, for which he receives two dollars. The entrance to the penitentiary should not be through Tim Lee and Wake county jail. Sentinel. Charles Gilmer, colored, was arrested in Greensboro on Thursday charged with committing a rape on Parthinia Harris, also colored, aged 8 years. This boy is as black as Erebus, about 17 years of age, and is the same fiend who attempted to commit a similar crime on a respectable white lady in the county some eighteen months ago.

New Money Order Offices. The Postoffice Department has established money-order offices, to go into effect on the first inst. at Enfield, Rocky Mount, High Point, Kinston, Immberton, Ruth- erfordton, Williamston and Wilson. The Lumberton Robesonian says An election was held in this town, on Friday last, for one Commissioner to fill the vacancy occasioned by the resignation of A. W.

Fuller, which resulted in the election of Thos. A. Norment, Esq. The gin house on the plantation of Mr. John Day, near Goldsboro, together with a cotton gin and about 2,000 bushels ot cotton seed, were destroyed by fire on Wednesday night of last week.

The Greensboro Patriot says, Mr. Julius A. Gray sold his plantation in Randolph county consisting of 1,250 acres last week to some gentlemen from Norfolk for the neat sum of 820,000. Dr. Ector, residing near Friendship Guilford county, has a peach orchard with 10,000 bearing trees in the yield of which this year is estimated at 20,000 bushels.

On Friday, 4th near the residence of Dr. B. F. Pearson, in Greene county, a colored man shot and killed himself accidentally, while handling a gun. The proposition of running a road steamer from Castalia, via Nashville, to Battleboro' is being agitated by promi-nens citizens of Nash county.

A negro was found dead on the 10th in the woods, a short distance above Shoe Heel, in Robeson county. No name and no particulars reported. Hon. no. W.

Norwood, of Orarige, has been selected to deliver the annual address before the State Agricultural Society at the next fair. The cotton crop in Edgecombe is said to be remarkably fine, land at least 33 1-3 per cent, more will be made oh the land, than was last year, i The crops in the neighborhood of Little's mills, Richmond county, are said to be irretrievably ruined for want of rain. The officers of the Central Agricultural Society, at Henderson, are making great preparations for their next annual fair. Arnold Barfield was accidentally shot and killed in Tarboro, on the 8th, by Lafayette Savage, both colored. The militia in Robeson county have been disbanded, leaving the county at the mercy of the Lowery gang.

The famous outlaw Henry Berry Lowery, was seen in Elizabetbtown, Bladen county, on Saturday. Judge Dick. Justice of the Supreme Court, has been defeated in his county for Convention. The Robeson outlaws have committed 15 murders in cold blood. Death of H.

Conner Reid. Mb! EniTOR: It i9 with a heavy heart, that I ask you to publish the death of our noble and beloved friend, H. Conner Reid. He died at hjs residence in this county, on the 5th of August, 1871, after a few days of severe illness. Take him every way, and it ia difficult to find a more useful man in the county.

This is saying a good deal but his record will be read many years hence in the character of the young men he has trained. He was just 36 years old. and his character was only beginning to be known. In every relation, he "showed himself a max." As an elder (in Sharon Church) he was faithful as a teacher, he had no superior in this section as a citizen, his patriotism was proven on the battle-field and at home as a husband and father, he was gentle and thoughtful as a brother, his price was above rubies neighbor, he was most kind and pleas ant, i A purer and more devoted friend of education and relieion. our community never bad and he laid himself out for the good of the voung people where ne was raisea.

was a member of the late General Assembly in Huntsville. Ahv, and served on three or four important committees and after he returned home, he said he was "a stronger Presbyterian than ever," -and went to work with new zeal. He looked forward to our Summer Meetine with more than usual in terest, aud often talked with me about the manner in which it sliould be conducted. Andwhenlt began, he was present to lay his hand on some officers elect and to give them the hand of fellowship- and words of encouragement. But, on Monday morning the messenger of death came and prostrated -enrollment of tho Militia of this coiintv on election day was to drive the white voters from tho polls, and thus prevent a fair election in this county.

This was a shrewdly contrived piece of rascality worthy of the unholy cause it was designed to serve, and the returns of the election show bow successful it was. Comparing the returns with the vote for Attorney General last year, we find a falling oft in the total vote of the county of 459. Of these 124 were Radicals and 335 Democrats. That this is true can readily be shown by reference to tho vote of tho strongest Democratic precincts where the heaviest losses appear. Robesonian.

Attempt to Burn a Dwelling. An alarm of fire was given in this place, last Thursday morning, before day. which was on the premises of Mr. Isaac Wallace, and no doubt th work of an incendiary! Fire had been applied to a small out-house, used as a provision room, within a few feet of the dwelling, which was entirely consumed, and tho dwelling only eared by the use of wet-blankets and buckets of water thrown over them. Fortunately the morning was calm or the loss of the dwelling would have been inevitable.

Statesville American. The Troops. Lieut. Simpson with his detachment of troops went to Scuffletown on Friday last, and remained till Monday morning, when they returned by the 11 o'clock train, and without stopping here, proceeded down down the road to Wilmington. The object of Simpson's visit is still involved in mystery.

He is known to have held a consultation at the house of Patrick Lowrey (brother of the outlaws,) with certain mulattoes of that neighborhood, but beyond this no was committed by him to given an inkline of rthe character of his mission. Robesonian. Horrid Sight. -To see six white men brought forty miles for whipping Sally Gilmore and her negro paramours. More horrid to see a United States marshal with pistol and cowhide at his side marching in front of the prisoners, with negroes in knklux dress following in the rear, yelling and roaring like savages.

We tell Caldwell, Phillips, Carrow and the carpet-baggers that they are preparing a day of blood for the people of North Carolina. You must not suppose that the white blood of the State will submit to such indignities from unprincipled office-holders and ignorant negrctes. Raleigh Sentinel. Fatal Accident. A colored man by the name of Wright Moore, formerly slave to Mrs.

Mary Moore, of this place, came to his death last Wednesday afternoon, in a singular manner. He and another colored man, both in the service of S. Green, were chasing a hog which was in a field, and were running at considerable speed, came in contact with each other, both fell, Wright falling on top, the concussion, it is supposed, Eroduced an internal injury from which died in a short while. Statesville American. An effort isbeingmade to slart a work ing man's organ in Raleigh, to represent the laboring classes, irrespective, they say, of party lines.

We see that -Major Smith oners to aid it liberally, and no doubt plenty of other politicians, who expect to use it will be found to do the same thine. Instead of the workingman's organ it will turn out to be the organ of these disinterested individuals. Wilson Plaindealer. Sheriff Hurley of Cabarrus. This officer brought the Republican hotel four boarders or convicts, two whites and two blacks.

One of the white men stole from a negro. Tnis is punisnment on tne negro for taking mean white men into the league. They were all sentenced for larceny. This makes 306 boarders in that hotel. i Drouth.

We never saw vegetation so parched and burnt, says the Greensboro Patriot, as it has been in consequence of the continued drouth we have had. Corn in some places where it did not attain a vigorous early growth looks as if it had been baked in an oveny and we hear that tobacco in some sections is shrivelled up and worthless. The Hickory Station Eagle says We had the pleasure of hearing a sermon from the "boy preacher" on last Sabbath. Rev. Mr.

Green is but 19 years old, though his sermon, in the estimation of a full house, would have done crediuto a minister of many years experience. Mr. entered Wake Forest College at 14, and graduated at 18. The Washington Express says A few evenings since, Mrs. E.

J. Warren, while passing from one room to another, at her residence, with a lamp in her hand, it. exploded and set the building on fire, which after some exertions, was finally subdued with the assistance of neighbors. It is charsred by a correspondent of a Goldsboro Tarer that the two trains of 36 cars, containing over three thousand negroes, who attended the recent mass meeting at Goldsboro, were passed free of all charge by Mr. Stanly, the President of the Road.

The charge has not yet been contradicted. No negro has been elected to any office in Wilson county, until the recent election, when one Jerrv Bullock, was elected School Committeeman in Joy ner's Township. The first bale of the new crop of Geor-o-io rot ton was received at Savannah on the 9th by A. M. Sloane trrown in Decatur county, to.

It was arid was sold by auction, for 32Jc. per sound' ed as strict middling. It class Federal troops are being quietly sent nil narts of the South by General Grant. This is the way he expects force a renominatioh and re-election. to The wires of the new telegraph compa ny the Southern and Atlantic reacnea Greensboro on Monaay evening.

The waon trains Westward bound with emigrants are 100 per cent, more nu merous than on anyprevious year. An Oregonian got lost recently and went fifteen days without lood; The trrape erowers of Goldsboro and 1 vicinity, are shipping large a quantity of this fruit North. TTUKS 1 A AUGUST 5, 1871. Agents. The following persons are authorized to Agents and receipt for subscriptions act as to Ware Miller, Shelby, N.

C. J1L AUvnatfiv Halloa 4( Carroll, Cherryville. Jm U. Michal, Lincolnton, Craig, South Point, HufusRanUin Woodlawn, Parker, Enfield, ltf M. McCally, Rock Hill, c.

M-EoYorkville, List of New Advertisem*nts. Legal Notice. Barringer Smith, iincolnton Female Seminary. Brevard. Power for Sale.

Irwin. W. "Contested Election. In the contested election in Charlotte township, the County Commissioners decided that their jurisdiction extended only as to the returns made, and, accordingly, those hav- jCcr the majority of votes were duly elected fpssrs. Young, Houston aud Alexander Trere inducted into office.

In the tie vote between Elwood and McAlpine, Elwood wa3 chosen. The Election. The returns are still incomplete. It is the general impression that the majority against Convention is between. 1 and 10,000.

Frobable Murder in Robeson. By passengers on the Wilmington, Charlotte and Rutherford Railroad, yesterday afternoon, says the Wilmington Star of the 5th we learn that Dr. Daniel Smith, prominent citizen of the county, was waylaid uud bhot on Thursday night, while on his way hom*o from Floral College, where he bad been to see a patient. Floral College is about five miles from Shoe Heel, and Dr. Smith's residence is about two miles from the College.

At the time be was so brutally and inhumanly assaulted he was passing a swamp about half way between Floral College and his residence. It is the general im- Eression that he was shot by some of gang of outlaws; as he was a witness against some of the gang who were implicated in the sheriff King mur- Uci, luuugu uno taucu nu jjui 1 ill tuc efforts to effect their capture. He was alive yesterday morning, but there was do hope of his recovery. Dr. Smith was about 45 years of age, and was highly respected by all who knew him for his amiable and quiet, unassuming disposition.

Sentinel. We learn that Dr. S. is recovering from his injuries. What the Radicals are Doing.

The Goldsboro Messenger says Xot content with having carried the county by intimidating ignorant white men, the radicals are now endeavoring to distort and frighten the few colored men, who voted with the 'conservatives, by threatening them with imprisonment, unless they will swear "that they were brought to vote the conservative ticket." Anotner instance or nasrrant lniamy nas come to our ears, where a white scalawag-carpet-bagger proposed to one of the colored men who acted as special police on the day of the riot, that "'he, (the col-oced police,) could make $3 a day and expenses paid to Washington city and back, if he would furnish certain testimony regarding the recent riot." A rumor comes to us from the North that a new political movement is on foot in Georgia and other Southern States, looking to the formation of a third party, or in other words, of a new departure, contemplated by politicians. This may account for the recent visit of Senator Cameron to Georgia and the Democratic tendencies of that State. A correspon-of the New York Herald suggests that instead of going to the Democracy, its leaders design the formation of a party whose object may be to prevent a choice of President by the people next year and thus to throw the election into Congress. We know of no such step 4n contemplation in this State, but are not surprised at any steps Republicans may take to defeat an incompetent and corrupt Executive for whom their own folly and par-tizan zeal prompted them to vote, for all Presidents with which the United States Government has ever been cursed, Grant is'the most imbecile and inefficient. Roanoke News.

The Outlaws. It is reported that the outlaws have left their old haunts in this county, and have removed with their to Cumberland county. It is certain that their houses are vacatedj and that their families' have disappeared. But outlaws themselves, are supposed still to be lurking in the swamps of Scuf-fletownjand the removal of their families ia most probably a ruse. It is reported that Tom Lowry has left tho StfttA Hia wife collected for him n.

considerable amount of moDey, which was paid to her by. merchant of this town. one day last week, which she said Tom would use as means to leave the state. Our own opinion, however, ia that the outlaws are still lurking in their old haunts in Scuffletown, and these reports of removal are intended to delude their On Wednesday of last week Mrs. Kis- sey Peeden, a respectable Old laay agea T-t -T -Q jounston county, haa her person ouimg ed bv a rieirro fiend named Mark Swan The as we have learned them are these Mrs.

Peeden had been to neighbors house and in the evening was on her way home walking on the rail road. When onlv a little distance from the residence of Mr. Charles Massey the Degro man, whom she positively recog nized as Mark Swan, jumped upon her uu committed the fiendish outrage, ine neKro hea been lodn-ed in iail at Smith- Ni and we hope will earn his reward on lQe gallows. Goldsboro Messenger More Arrival at Union League Ho- Yesterday, deputy sheriff Respass of Beaufort, arrived with three colored fonvicts for the penitentiary sheriff Hel-i-of Pitt county, with one, and deputy sheriff of Forsyth, with one. terms for which these are eentenced, range from three to ten years.

The Rev. A. D. Hepburn, formerly Pro lessor of Mental and Moral Philosophy jnd Logic, in the University of North Carolina, has latfllv AMA'nted the iresi- aency of Miami Uuhiversity, in jects dear to us both, his name became so deeply recorded in our affections, that his death draws most heavily on our tenderest feelings. "I am distressed for thee, my brother very pleasant hast thou been unto me." But if he was so dear to his pastor, who can measure the grief of his wife, brother and sisters ay He who took him from us, so soon after we all left the Communion table, keep us from the evil of this bereavement Oh how sad to think that we shall never see him in his own house again never hear his words of instruction in the Sabbath School and in the Academy never bear his wise counsel in the Session-room; never hear his strong voice in the music of the sanctuary and in the social party.

Many were the tokens of sympathy in this bereavement seen in the large assembly which met in the church on Sabbath afternoon. His coffin was placed lu front of the pulpit, here he had served on, the Sabbath before, and when the lid was removed, the silent tear moistened every eye which looked upon his noble brow for the last time. Then silently we moved into the grave-yard, the Session, Deacons and Pupils aa pau-bearers, committed his body to the earth, in the confident belief that it is well with him. "The wicked cease from troubling there, The weary are at rest Sorrow, and sin, and pain, and care, No more approach the blest." R. Z.

Johnston. In Raleigh, on the 7th at the residence of Virginius Ballard. by Wesley Whitaker, J. Mr. Richard W.

Bryant and Miss Emma V. Montague. In McDowell county, on the 2d by the Rev. T. M.

Paxton, C. 8. Mooring, of Salisbury, to Miss Sarah Ann Hemphill. In Solano county, California, on the 20th July, by Rev. J.

C. Simmons, Ed. C. Dozier and Miss Jeannette D. Pressley.

At Raleigh, on the 10th by Rev. Dr. Mason, Mr Samuel Ashe, of Wilmington, and Miss Hannah Willard, daughter of W. H. Willard, of Raleigh.

At his residence, in Hopewell, Mecklenburg County, in the prime of life, John F. Harry, a zealous christian, an active, efficient and influential Ruling Elder in the Presbyterian Church. "Mark the perfect man and behold the upright, for the end of that man is peace." In Cleveland county on 13th Thos. D. Falls aged 57 years.

At Sweet Chalybeate Springs, Virginia, Mrs. Mary O. Flynn, wife of Rev. Wm. Flynn.

In York county, on the 30th ult. Mr. William Wylie, in the 69th year of his age. Near Bethel, on the 26th Mr. John Riddle, aged 88 years.

In York county, S. on 2nd Mrs. Susan Clarrener, wife of Mr. F. B.

Davidson, aged 21 years. In Brazil, on the 13th of May last, Gen. Samuel D. Watson, a native of York county, S. C.

In Portsmouth, on the 4th Mrs. Elizabeth Drewery, relict of the late Thomas Drewery. tones marfeet. BUYING RATES OF NORTH CAROLINA BANK NOTES, FROM THE BANK OF MECKLENBURG. Charlotte, N.

C. Bank of Cape Fear, 35c Charlotte, 50 Commerce, 1 Fayetteville, 2 Lexington, 1 Lexington, Graham, 1 44 Washington, 0 14 Yancey ville, 0 44 Clarendon, 0 14 North Carolina, 40 14 Roxboro', 5 Thomasville, 5 44 Wadesborough, 15 44 Wilmington. 25 Miners' and Planters' 0 Commercial Bank, Wilmington, 5 Farmers' Bank of North Carolina, 5 Merchant's Bank, Newbern, 10 Bank of the State of North Carolina, 5 Gold Coin, 112 Silver 44 107 arlotte iotmtt mnxktt. Corrected Weekly by Carson Grier, Home productions are quoted at the buying pricet and all others at the selling price from stores. BACON North Carolina.

Hams, per lb. Sides, Shoulders, Hog Round, Western Selling price. Hams, canvassed, per lb. Sides, Shoulders, BAGGING Gunny, per yard, Dundee, Ties BEESWAX per lb. BUTTER COFFEE Rio, good to prime, Laguyra, CLOVER SEED per bushel, CORN MEAL per bush.

DOMESTICS 4-4 per yard, 7- 8 (i 8- 4 COTTON YARN per bunch, EGGS per dozen, FISH Mackerel, No. 1, per bid 16 14 10a 12 13 19 10a 12 10a 25a28 20a2o 7a8 25a30 20a25 I8a22 25a22J 30 $10.00 1.10 lOall 9 $1.25 12al5 $20.00 12.00 10.00 3.00 2 ii it it it ii 1, Kits, 2, 2.23a2.50 1.75a2.00 FLOUR N. C. Family, per sack, 44 Extra, 44 Super. 4.60a4.7o 4.25a4.50 4.00a4.25 Northern and Western, per bol.

6.00a8.60 buying price, N. C. Corn, per bush. 44 Oats, lOOal.05 90 44 Peas, 44 Wheat, 4 Rye, tt ii 1.40a2.00 80a90 15al6 16a20 LARD North Carolina, per lb. Northern and Western, Sft.

MOLASSES aU grades, gal. NAILS per keg, POTATOES Irish, Northern, bush. Mountain, 44 RICE lb. SUGAR aU grades, ft. SYRUP, gallon, SALT Liverpool, sack, TALLOW, lb.

33a 1.10 $2.00 1.00al.50 10al2i 12a 18 3oaL10 COTTON MARKET. Cotton unsettled. We quote Middling 1717, Low Middling stained Pastor Wanted. -The Presbyterians of Goshen Congregation, Gaston county, want to secure the services of a yonng minister, who will devote his whole time to his charge. I LAND DEEDS for sale at the Southern Some Office.

Chattel Mortgages 'for sale 'at this office. of the. most eminent citizens of Inj the necessity for scries of iifMrtiMi anil only-' the facta of history and pkte series of School and College and educators named below Beautiful School-Books Unhersirr Series' embraces GRAHAM NASH, ATTORNEYS AT LAW, CHARLOTTE, N. C. Ojtflce opposite "Bank of Mecklenburg.

'') Offer their prfessional services to their fellow-citizens. Prompt attention given to the collection of claims In (any part of the State. Those desiring to secure a good legacy for their with a profitable investment, paying handsomely during life, would do weft to apply in person or by letter for an 1 explanation of the Reserve Dividend System, 7ebpy-righted and offered only by the (Widows', and Orphans1 Benefit Life Insurance Company of New York. Fire Bisks located in First Class Companies. 4 Graham.

Julylb 6m F.Nash. i To all it nay. Concern C. GRLER tof Charlotte. N.

C. are the only parties in that place to whom we now sell the WATT. PLOUGHS and CASTINGS, and they have now our connuence exclusively in mr our matters; in said place. .1 warn- all persons from. infrlDgmeiits on various Patent th WA TT PLOUGH, which jrive me the "exclusive rijrht' and "liberty Of making, using, and vending to others' to be used, the said' improvements.

WATT A KNIGHT. Richmond, Va. Geo. Watt, Patentee. July 18, 1871.

taugl-tf Charlotte Female Institute, CHARLOTTE, N. C. The next session commences on Monday the 2nd of October. 1871. and continues until June 30, 1872.

OFFICER8 AMD INSXAUCTOBS Rev. R. Burwell, Principal, and Imtruc- tor in Mental and Moral Philosophy. John B. Bckwell, A.

Assistant Princi pal, and. Instructor Literature and Ancient Languages. Mr. S. Stevens, (formerly of Edeworth Female Seminary,) Instructor in Mathematics and Natural Prof.

A. Baumann, Instructors in Vocal Mrs. Baumann Instrumental Music. Miss Jane T. Lono, English Branches.

Miss Kate S. James, English Branches and French. Miss Jenny McKenny, English Branches. Mrs. I BoRWEttr Superintendents Social miss A Morton, ana Domestic Duties.

French, Drawing Painting. TERiis Per 20 weeks-tpayable half in advance. Primary -Department. 15 00 Academic Department, 20 00 Collegiate Department, 25 00 Board, ..10500 Music, Latin, French, Drawing, Painting, extra, at usual charges. For catalogue containing full particulars, address Rev; R.

BURW ELL SON, July 25 Charlotte. Rural Hill Academy. Situated one mile west of Hopewell Church, Mecklenburg county, jVr. First session begins on Tuesday the.25th of July, 1871. Terms; per session of 20 weeks Primary English $8 00 More advanced 12 00 Classics 20 00 Board can be had in good families'.

P. P. MAiWEjyLr tcipal. JKir. J.

J. ILLIAMS, si XR. UM. S. ill.

UAVIDSON, J.Tu$te3S. Col. E. A. Osborne, juiy-u tt NORTH Instiiiite.

The undersltrned havine leased the build ings of this Institution, will open it as a MILITARY SCHOOL for. day-pupila and boarders, conducting it with the akl of experienced military assistants. The patronage of Charlotte and the surrounding country Terms. Tuition for session of five months, $25.00 Board a 75 00 Fuel, 200 The first Session will commence on the first Monday in September jQext For particulars, apply for circular to W. BEAUMONT CLARKSOX, Principal.

Charlotte, N. C. Referees Wade Hampton, 8. Gen. J.

B. Kershaw, Gen. James Simons, CoL John Y. Bryce, N. CV, Capt.

John WUkes 44 Pres. Board of Trustees N. C. M. I.

July 4, 1871. Davidson College. NOTICE. By order, a meeting of the Board of Triis-tees will be held at Davidson College at 12 m. on the 4th Tuesday of October next (being the 24th.) to elect a President and a Professor of Mental and Moral Pnilosophyv Metaphys ixs, DAilyJSh M.

JlNYIlHcTCinsdxSec iPrestl 5 ht. Seed, Warranted Genuine andJFresh, at a KILGORE; QVWiOK-S July 11 Drug Store, DAVIDSON COLLEGE, Mecklenburg County, N. C. Its next term will begin September 28th, 1871. Annual collegiate expenses from $200 to $235.

For catalogue or other information, apply to Rev. CHARLES PHILLIPS, D.D. Clerk of Faculty, Davidson College, C. Aug 8 lm Cotton Tax. All oersons who have naid Internal Revenue Tax on Cotton, would consult their interest bv call ing on the undersigned, at ah early STENHQUSE, MACAULAY Charlotte, N.

C. General Agents of Herschel V. Johnson Co. for the State of North Carolina. Aug 8-tf Administrator's Notice.

Having obtained Letters of Administration ution the Dersonal nronertv of Ira "Parka. deceased, I will sell on Tuesday the 22d of August, 1871, the following property, torwit One Horse. wo Mules, a lot of Cattle and Hogs, One Large Wagon. One Buggy, Household and Kitchen and many other articles too tedious to men tion. K.

U. WALL1S. Aug 1 1871 3t Administrator. THE OLD ELEPHANT IS STILL AFLOAT! OPPOSITE THE MARKET. Trade Street, CHARLOTTE, Notifies his friends and former customers that be has opened again, and is in full blast, and prepared to offer them inducements never before offered in this market.

Also, that he (B. M. claims the ELEPHANT, and asserts that he has never sold or traded him to any one. GROCERIES, of all kinds, and of the best quality, and at living rates, kept constantly on hand. FLOUR A SPECIALTY.

LIQUORS, of all grades, and finest quali ty, at wholesale and retail. Wagon Yard. We have in rear of our store a wagon yard for the accommodation of persons coming from the country. aug8 tf B. M.

PRESSON, Agent THE UNIVERSITY OF' VIRGINIA COMPRISES THE FOLLOWING DEPARTMENTS 1. School of Latin. 2. School of Greek 8. School of Modern Languages, i 4.

School of Moral Philosophy. 5. school of History and English Literature, b. be boo or Chemistry. 7.

School of Natural Philosophy. 8 School of Mathematics. 9. School of Com mon and Statute Law. 10.

School of Con stitutional and Civil Law and Equity. 11 School of Physiology and Surgery. 12. School of Anatomy and Materia Medica. 13.

School of Medicine and Obstetrics. 14. School of Applied Mathematics. 15. School of Ana lytical, Industrial and Agricultural Chemis try, lo.

ocnooi or iN aturai History and Agriculture (Professor to be elected:) iQPro-vision made for classes In" Mineralogy and Geology, Hebrew, Political Economy, Jrracti-eal Physics, Medical Jurisprudence and Sanskrit. Diplomas and Certificates af Profi ciency are given in tne separate ecnoois. The following Degrees are conferred: 1 Bachelor of Letters. 2. Bachelor of Sciences.

3. Master of 4. Doctor of Medicine. 5. Bachelor of Law.

6. Civil Engineer. 7." Mining Engineer. The expenses of the student, exclusive of text books, clothing and pocket money, amount to from $365 to $395 p'er wssion of 9 months; of which sums $220 to $250 are payable on admission. Session opens October 1st.

For catalogues, address Charles S. Yekable, University of Va Chairman of Faculty. Aug 1 tf Mecklenburs Iron Works. Hall's Cotton Gin, with Self-Feeding Attachment, Dixie Cotton Presses, and Brooks' Cotton Presses, On Exhibition and for Sale. JOHN WILKES, Aug 1 tf Charlotte, N.

C. NOTICE. All oersons who have naid Internal Reve nue Tax on Cottony would consult their interest by calling on the undersigned at an early day. R. M.

OATES CO. Aug 1, 1871. Charlotte, N. C. FOR SALE.

The HOUSE and LOT on Giryon street near the Catholic Church, now -occupied, by Air. Milo Martin. -For farther-partic-ulars, enquire of HILIt IRWIN, at the 4Southern Home" office. July 25.

The Southern Home from Charlotte, North Carolina (2024)
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Name: Foster Heidenreich CPA

Birthday: 1995-01-14

Address: 55021 Usha Garden, North Larisa, DE 19209

Phone: +6812240846623

Job: Corporate Healthcare Strategist

Hobby: Singing, Listening to music, Rafting, LARPing, Gardening, Quilting, Rappelling

Introduction: My name is Foster Heidenreich CPA, I am a delightful, quaint, glorious, quaint, faithful, enchanting, fine person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.